The period between childhood and adolescence is the right time for height increase. A child’s growth in height is retarded due to various medical conditions and physiological problems. Conditions retarding height increase during childhood range from being genetic to metabolic, hormonal, environmental and dietary.
If the height of your child in not increasing with time, take it for sure that there is some problem. Identifying the problem is a must to choose the best cure or treatment for the retarded height growth problem. Here I have listed some possible causes or factors that retard the normal growth of children in height:
• Physiological Factors – Low birth weight, chronic disease, Turner syndrome, Down syndrome, hypothyroidism
• Genetic Factors – Obesity, growth delay, Gonadal dysgenesis, Noonan’s syndrome,
• Calorie Deficiency Factors – Protein malnutrition, rickets, vitamin D deficiency, cystic fibrosis, tuberculosis• Skeletal Abnormalities – Morquio’s disease, hypchondroplasia, chondro-osteodystrophy
• Pituitary Dysfunction – Meningitis, Pituitary tumor, Hystiocytosis X
• Congenital Heart disease – Congenital syphilis, chronic renal disease, glycogen storage disease• Chronic Asthma – Coeliac disease, Gluten enteropathy
• Fragilitas Ossium – Hypothalamic dysfunction, Poliomyelitis, joint disease
• Other factors – Somatomedin deficiency, Solitary TSH deficiency, renal impairment
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